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Emergency Mode

Fresh from my weekend trip to Resorts World, I entered the new work week feeling refreshed and confident that I could take on new challenges. Well, be careful what you wish for!

Monday was hectic: someone failed to do her job and left me with no choice but to rush over to meet foreign clients at the last minute.
When Tuesday was about to end and the thought of enjoying a mid-week holiday was just making me smile, another after-office-hours email buzzed on my smart phone, signalling the more challenging issue that I was about to face: extending someone’s visa that was about to lapse that day! Really?!

It’s a Friday and I managed to accomplish all the urgent tasks with satisfactory results despite the time pressure involved. By 5:15 p.m., I decide to relax and unwind by ordering Mongolian food take out.

My three orders of piping hot food arrived and I excitedly opened one to savor the aroma of spicy seafood noodles. Mmmmm. I don’t care if I end up fat tomorrow; I earned this!

And then— ta na na…my phone rang! It was an unknown number. Great!
Something told me it must be urgent.
Ignoring my policy of not answering calls from numbers that are not listed in my phone book, I took the call and my heart started to sink…..slooooowly.

On the other end was the voice of another lawyer asking me to deliver important documents to an adverse party. At 5:30 p.m. on a Friday right before a long weekend. Wow. Just wow.

So, here I am whining about how the best laid plans always seem to go awry— for me, that is. Couldn’t I just ignore the phone call? Couldn’t I just say NO? Couldn’t I just go home early like the rest of the lawyers here? I could do those things. But that would not be true to my character. Some people can live without worrying for others. But that’s just not me. So, quit whining. Eat your noodles. Pack up in a bit, and GO HOME!


Long before KonMari and Marie Kondo became an online sensation, decluttering was a regular activity for me and the help at home. If you’re wondering whether “decluttering” is just another word for “general cleaning”, well, it would seem not.

Without going into a boring discussion on the differences between the two, let’s just say that cleaning is something we should regularly do to keep our homes dust-free and dirt-free. On the other hand, when you declutter, you remove from your home the things that no longer matter or that no longer serve any purpose for you. Still confused? I don’t blame you. Words or whatever name you give an activity may not be that important when you take on the time-consuming and emotionally difficult task of letting go of things around your home.

For someone like me who has lived away from home since I was only 12, discarding and keeping only what I need became a regular habit. It was the only way for me to travel light as I traveled back and forth to school in Manila, keep everything inside the small storage at the college dorm and studio apartment, and still have all my essentials with me.

Over time, decluttering became a form of therapy. Out of sight, out of mind.

Decluttering helped me deal as well with the overwhelming amount of clothing that I tend to accumulate because of my profession’s dress code (or insatiable appetite for clothes shopping).

Decluttering as well made me feel hopeful. Why? Because Feng Shui experts believe that decluttering makes space for fresh energy or luck to enter one’s home.

That said, I suggest that you try it. Where to take your discarded items? Well, you can either sell them cheap at a yard or garage sale or just pack them neatly in recycled carton boxes and give them to an orphanage or charitable organization near you. One man’s trash can be another man’s treasure. Happy decluttering.

Yes, Yes, Yes

Again, my apologies for the long silence here.

The previous year was a major overhaul– uprooting my mini family and settling down into a beautiful city down south, juggling family responsibilities across continents, and keeping up with work obligations just made posting photos in my social media accounts (instead of blogging) irresistible.

Yes– I faced major challenges.  2014 was a bully. But if I’m still here blogging about it, then I’ve already won against it.

My move shook my relationships– long-standing friendships that spanned decades, ambiguous relationships with mostly emotionally-absent men, and budding friendships that could have been more.

Yes– I said my goodbyes and promised to keep in touch with everyone. But distance, new faces, new places, and new routines have gradually reshaped those relationships into online conversations usually happening on Viber, Messenger, and Skype. (save for a few who took the time to see me in the new city that I moved into)

Is there anything new that I can share with you here?

YES– there is.

I admit– some people have come and gone in my life these past 11 months. That kind of turnover could make anyone an emotional wreck or become a battle-tested relationship warrior. So, I chose to be the latter.

How to deal?

If you’re in a toxic relationship, or are struggling in a relationship beyond it’s Sell Before date, then let me end by sharing this : “At some point, you have to let go, accept things as they are, see him/her for what he/she is, opt out of the crap, and be good to yourself.”

Love and Light. — Mary Christine

Christine Florido

Mistakes Men Often Make that Turn Women Off

It’s been awhile since I last published something here– my apologies.  I won’t bore you with the usual alibis (though I have plenty) and will just dive in directly into today’s rant entry.

Men often think that women are such strange creatures whose actions and words are dictated by mood swings and hormones half the time that they end up with the same stressful pattern of misunderstanding and making up. While it’s true that hormonal changes can affect how sensitive a woman can be– reacting violently to what may appear small or irrelevant (again, at whose point of view is it irrelevant?), shedding tears with just one wrong word or just behaving unreasonably in relationships, there are triggers that you can avoid in order to have a better time with women.

Men as well have “irrational” moments from the point of view of women and this is why it’s probably helpful to know and understand some basic differences between men and women. A good reference would be John Gray’s “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus.”

But there are a few tips that I know you (I’m talking to men, of course) can use to diffuse a misunderstanding before things turn nasty.

1.  Use positive words when talking to a woman. Men like to joke and tease one another over drinks. They can openly criticize about each other’s physical appearance, clothing, taste in women, body parts, sports skills, etc. that women won’t always take nicely. Unless you’re on the war path with a woman, making negative comments (no matter how truthful they are) about her personality, past, personal stuff, looks, weight (very important!), or anything about her will not sit well with her and can merit a tongue-lashing.   In short, a woman is not a man so don’t treat her like your bros!

2.  Listen to her without judging. Women like to share personal experiences, their feelings, and problems with others.  They expect more sensitivity and empathy from men who are interested in them or who like them. If she feels like talking and you have the time to listen, then don’t interrupt her or cut her short by saying “Okay, so go straight to the point”.  In a hurry or not in the mood to be her sounding board? Then gently tell her “to hold that thought” in the meantime and assure her you’ll be all-ears later when you’re free to talk.

3.  Never ask a woman if she gained weight. Men and women have different views about “what’s healthy” or “fit”.  Women like to appear slim and detest any reference to “weight gain” or “fat” even if she does look better that way. If you notice that your female friend appears different lately, watch your words and refrain from making comments about her weight. Tell her she’s looking good without referring to her weight.

4.  Don’t argue with an angry woman.  The wrath of a woman is legendary. From a sweet gentle lamb, she can fire up in minutes and turn into a fiery dragon. When a woman is at this state, it’s no use arguing with her or meeting her head-on just to defend your case. Instead, give her space and let her know that you’re not engaging her in verbal warfare and return when she has calmed down. After all, it takes two to fight.

5. Never tell a woman to change her profile picture. What she does in her social network is her business– don’t stick your nose in it. If she wants to pose a hundred selfies, let her! If her current profile picture does not sit well with you, bite your tongue!

There you go– just 5 tips for a smoother conversation with women.

The Power of the Pen

I experienced my first triumph as a lawyer at 23.

I was what lawyers call “under-bar” or a law graduate practising while waiting for the bar results.

It was a criminal case entitled, “PP vs. Rhodora Sulit”. The accused was found guilty of possession of drugs and drug pushing at the trial court. On automatic review at the Supreme Court, Ms. Sulit’s case was assigned to a senior partner at the law firm where I worked as a mere associate, as her counsel de oficio. Expectedly, the appointed partner was not enthusiastic about it. Under-bar associates do the dirty jobs and most of the legwork at big firms. As one such associate, I carefully studied her case and dutifully prepared the Petition for Review. The senior partner signed copies of the pleadings and submitted them without taking a second look at the papers I authored. I guess that lawyer expected to lose the appeal, and couldn’t care less since the accused was not a paying client, nor was she someone who anyone at the firm knew personally.

Many weeks after, and a couple of projects in the meantime, we received an envelope containing a decision that simply said the lower court’s decision was REVERSED. The accused was acquitted. The senior partners of the firm shook their heads in disbelief. They admitted that they never bothered with the appeal because the findings of the lower court seemed to be airtight. Some thought it was sheer luck, while I pleasantly discovered the power of the written word. Although I drifted out of litigation work (something my father or grandfather may not have wanted for me), I eventually found my place in contracts, documents and anything that involved pushing pen on paper. Maybe I am best read than seen or heard. (Or how I appear can be a distraction from my role as lawyer hahaha) While most of us can talk, not everyone can write. And so my journey into writing continues.  If used properly, it can change lives– such is the power of the pen.

Lessons my Father Taught Me

There are only four men in my life: my Dad, my two sons, and Mr. Snuffalufagus.
And I love them all.

My Dad is my (as well as all his clients’) ultimate “go-to” person in times of trouble.
Going to him for direction and enlightenment reminds me of the proverbial trek, in hope for an audience with the Wise One. (Think: Yoda and the Wizard of Oz).
From Dad, one may get the most practical answers
or the most difficult lessons in life.

A situation that usually stands out among family members involves sibling relationships.
In a family of more than one child ( in my case, we are ten children), it is impossible to expect parents to pour out “equal” affection upon all their children.
One may love all his children, but one or some may occupy a softer spot in a parent’s heart.
As children, we assume that the ones who bring home the accolades from school or contests are the ones who are looked upon with favor.
After all, weren’t we disciplined at a young age using the simple concepts of reward and punishment?
As good children, we strive to be pleasing always to our parents’ eyes.

Only a disturbed child would use ill behavior to call attention to himself

But what happens when the balance of favor is tilted towards the more problematic sibling or the not-so-white-sheep (help! I’m trying to be politically correct here) of the family ?

More often than not, we roll our eyes while watching these animals, rather, sheep, being smothered with exaggerated attention and excessive material support. And while the solicitous parent is at it, the good ones are temporarily forgotten, sometimes taken for granted. Sniff-sniff.

In protest, the good child seeks the counsel of the Wise One.
In answer, the Wise One gently reminds the good child of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, where the shepherd who loses one out of the one hundred sheep he has, leaves behind the 99 good ones in order to seek out the one lost sheep. To my mind, more apropos would be the Parable of the Prodigal Son, where the father rejoices and celebrates over the return of the squanderer while temporarily forgetting the faithful and obedient son. (See also the Parable of the Lost Coin).

While we were students, we glossed over lessons which we heard often in school. Most of the time, we simply learned them by rote in order to pass or ace theology exams.

How we now struggle with applying them in our daily lives reminds us of why they are called lessons in the first place:

We may not always like them but we need to learn them


Fastest Learning Technique : S.A.P.

The ability to grasp lessons quickly is an indispensable skill both in business and life, in general.  With loads of information available on the Internet, the best information products or resources are those that maximize learning in the shortest time.   Here’s what some experts recommend

Fastest way to learn

Memory experts maintain that the fastest way to learn is not by following a step by step guide, but by using the Scan-Absorb-Process (SAP) technique.


The learning process often starts by scanning a training product or resource, in search of key points that answer your most pressing issues or solve a problem.   When you scan, you go straight to the portion which relates to your needs.

This technique, however, works well only with specific types of content. What you’re looking for are articles or books that use:

  • bulleted or numbered lists
  • subheadings
  • table of contents
  • bold letters, italics and other special font styles
  • structured paragraphs with thesis and concluding sentences


Absorbing content must accompany scanning for optimum learning.  You can do this by taking down notes verbatim or by rephrasing lessons and ideas. You can also make an outline or draw a mindmap as you scan to aid absorption. 


A great way to process what you’ve just learned is by trying out the method or technique immediately.  In learning, experience is still the best teacher.  This is why experts encourage students to do practical exercises immediately after scanning a new lesson. This not only drives home the point but helps test the principles taught.  

Kinesthetic movement while learning promotes optimum education. So, read a book while on a stationary bike or  listen to an audio lesson while taking a walk. 

While learning new skills ordinarily takes time, you can reduce the learning curve by applying the Scan-Absorb-Process technique.  Experts maintain that children can also be taught this technique for better performance in school.

Why Most People Fail At Meeting Their Goals

There once was a thirsty crow that came across a pitcher with very little water left in it.   Alas, might as he tried, he could not reach the water at the bottom of the pitcher.  A wonderful idea struck the crow and he set out to drop a small pebble one by one into the pitcher until the water at the bottom rose up to the brim.  By dropping little stones into the pitcher, the thirsty crow got what he wanted and saved his life.

                             Moral of the story  :  Little by little does the trick.

This was one of my favorite stories from Aesop’s Fables.  It may have been written once upon a time but the simple lesson still holds true more than ever today.

Setting a big goal can overwhelm you with the amount of work, time, energy and resources required to achieve it. As time passes, frustration may set in and eventually lead to the abandonment of that goal. 

Set smaller goals first:  Successful people share one thing in common—the superior ability to define their goals and break them up into small bite-sized portions that are easily achieved.  To illustrate, if you need to lose 50 pounds, the kind of exercise you need to do everyday and the amount of food you need to cut down can seem like a tall order.  Easier said than done!

How it works:    The better and realistic approach is to set a short term goal that is achievable, say losing 5 pounds in fourteen days.    Ordinarily, a diet that is 500 calories less than your usual daily intake and at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular activity 3 to 4 times a week will let you drop that kind of weight in 2 weeks. Once you experience the short term results, you are motivated and encouraged to go for the next 5 to 10 pounds in the next week or so until your body starts to lose weight much faster with a consistent workout, improved metabolism and healthier diet. 

Applied to financial problems:     The same holds true for financial goals.  Setting aside small amounts of money every month from your regular paycheck and putting it into an investment fund will one day grow into a comfortable nest egg for your retirement years. 

Example – Get rid of credit card debt:  Getting rid of credit card debt also responds to this approach.  Start with the debt with the highest interest rate, settle it first so that you reduce your interest expenses and have extra cash the next month for paying off another debt with the next higher interest cost. I’ve seen ordinary folks deal with similar problems and who are now credit-free after a few years. 

 It can happen. It only takes discipline, patience and perseverance.  Determine your ultimate goal and break it up into small parts.  Little by little does the trick!

How to Deal with Challenges

Educators teach with chalk and books, life teaches through adversity and challenges.” – Pat Mesiti

Life occasionally throws us curved balls and lemons.  Without inner strength, these moments can be scary and depressing.  Even the most successful people go through severe challenges but the difference lies in how they hurdled these and survived.

Pat Mesiti  was on top of his game when a series of crises rocked his life. In a blink of an eye, he lost everything that he had– marriage and well-paying career. Today, however, Pat Mesiti is back on his feet, better and wiser than before, taking on the path of guiding others who struggle with personal challenges.  

Life lesson No. 1 : Pain brings growth

The pain you experience while at your lowest can be the seed for growth. Just like Pat Mesiti, it was when I was at my lowest that I developed my inner strength.  Problems can bring out the best or worst in people. With the right mindset, it is possible to use this struggle to rise above your challenges and soar even higher than before.

Without life’s challenges, people tend to develop complacency. Painful experience forces them to change. No pain, no progress.  

How to deal with challenges

Attack the problem, not the people.

A serious problem can cause a lot of stress and overwhelm, often leading you to take out your frustrations and disappointment on others. Bear in mind, however, that in times of trouble, your best allies are those who stick around and support you.  Instead, pour your pent up energy on exploring  solutions to your problem.  

Gather all the information you need. 

Every problem has a solution.  And this involves learning all there is to know about a problem.  This applies to many aspects of life. For instance, a doctor will only prescribe the appropriate medication after a thorough patient examination, asking the right questions and analyzing results of physical and laboratory tests.  By going to the heart of the problem, you are able to devise a plan of action.    

List possible options. 

Writing down possible solutions allows you to process each option objectively.  The appropriate solution will soon emerge after weighing the pros and cons of each option.  

Look at the positive aspect of your problem. 

Focusing on the negative aspect of your problem will only increase feelings of helplessness.  On the other hand, looking at the positive side eases the emotional aspect. Learn to look for the brighter side of every problem.    

Challenges add meaning and purpose to life.  They teach you how to appreciate the good things that come and to count your blessings more.  While pain and difficulty may accompany every problem, a positive mindset and fighting spirit will help you get over the hump and emerge much stronger than ever.

Save A Relationship by Unattachment

“The challenge of life is to appreciate everything and attach yourself to nothing.”– Andrew Matthews in Follow Your Heart

Relationships are all about connections and attachments. We say we are “attached” when referring to the presence of a significant other. 

Attachments signify value. It can be material or emotional.  You know someone is attached to personal possessions when he or she tends to accumulate useless vintage items for “sentimental” reasons. 

Life, however, is about filling and emptying– winning and losing, holding and leaving, hellos and goodbyes, beginnings and endings.

We lose friends or loved ones, things or cherished possessions.  In every case of attachment, the sense of loss is just as great as the sense of attachment.  

I am a seasoned “loser”, having lost a few times in relationships and in friendships.  I’ve also lost valuable things, particularly a cellphone, and the experience taught me a huge lesson in letting go.  

I lost my cellphone a few years back while on a night out with friends. It happened so fast and in a blink of an eye, I didn’t just lose an expensive item, but also 2 gigabytes of important data that I failed to back up on my laptop.  Depressing since memories are often anchored in images.

On the emotional front, I’m a veteran of broken relationships and friendships. And for me, the pain of breaking up with a best friend is just as unpleasant as parting ways with a boyfriend.

But I learned not to focus too much on my losses.  I turn my attention instead on the aftermath, minding my feelings and working on healing them in order to move on. 

Sure, I cried buckets at every loss but I made it a point to get up as soon as I  dried my tears.  Some people may mistake the relatively quick turnover for being “callous” or “stone-hearted”.  Others presume I move on easily because of “closure”. 

The problem with closure is this: its popular notion presumes that two ex friends or lovers manage to talk things over and say goodbye peacefully.  Not always, I say.  But that doesn’t mean one can never have closure in relationships with bad endings.  I refuse to allow my personal happiness to be dependent on the whims of another, especially that of a bitter one. 

There are ex friends who simply turn cold.  Instead of spending energies figuring out such frenemies, I let them be.   Having found peace in spite of the lack of proper goodbyes, I now know that closure entails self detachment from someone close or something valuable.  While mutuality is essential in  relationship, it can also end unilaterally through unattachment.  Don’t fret for long, though.  Just think:  It was good while it lasted.     Now, on to the next!

From experience, I learned as well that it is best to be unattached at the start of something new.  In that scenario, you savor every moment of the present while understanding that it may one day be lost. Hope for the best, and not expect the best.   

Unattachment, not detachment, also allows space between people– the kind of space that makes living things grow on their own.  In this sense, letting go a little may spell the difference between losing and having.  Just like sand, when you hold on too tightly to a relationship, the more it slips away.

So how do I feel now about my stolen mobile phone? After replacing it immediately with a sleeker and more advanced model, I managed to find joy after its loss. But to the one who got my phone: May a thousand fleas infest your armpits. Ha ha ha.

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