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Procrastination Kills

Failure and success are determined by two common elements: timing and advice. – Pat Mesiti

Even as access to knowledge has become easier than ever with Internet and self improvement resources,  you still see many people leading their lives as before, some even going on a downward spiral. What then causes these  people to fail in spite of all the principles of prosperity being taught to them?   The problem with most people  is procrastination.

Two things are important in success:   Timing and Advice.  Master both, and you’ll find every goal achievable.


Successful people attribute their achievements to doing the right thing while being at the right place and right time.  On the other hand, the ones who fail are those who wait too long before they do something about their situation or get help for it.  Take the case of someone in need of medical help.   For most diseases, early detection and intervention are crucial for effective treatment. 

 The element of timing not only applies to your health, but to your finances, happiness, job and relationship as well.     People who put off saving for the future often end in bankruptcy or debt.   An unhappy marriage that is left untended often leads to divorce.   Similarly, those who continuously postpone pursuing their passions end up with regret when they are old.    


All problems have solutions.  You just need to know what they are.    While it may be possible for you not to know the appropriate solution for your situation, bear in mind that others do. 

There are specialists, experts and those who have dealt with a similar issue with success.  You can turn to professionals like doctors, accountants, lawyers, coaches and consultants for proper advice.    

Timing also matters when seeking advice.     The sooner you ask for assistance, the greater are your chances of resolving your problem or reaching your goals. 

Time stops for no one, nor can it be reversed. For every second that you spend not doing what you are supposed to do, you pull yourself further away from your goal, or worse, make things more difficult to address later on.

So go  to the right people for advice and  take action while your problems are manageable.

How Changing Your Habits Can Change Your Life

Successful people share habits that distinguish them from those whose lives appear to be in a rut.  Depending on what they are, your habits can make or break you.

 Habits are your ways of thinking and acting which become automatic because of repetition. Habits can become so ingrained in your system that you end up doing them mindlessly. 

We are all creatures of habit, both good and bad. Oftentimes, bad habits prevent you from advancing and making rapid progress. Thus, life coaches and motivational speakers suggest developing useful habits to experience positive changes in your life.  

How habits are formed

Habits start from the mind. Your mind recognizes patterns and associates these with stimuli.   In time, your brain will send out automatic signals to your body every time it recognises specific stimuli.  But for a behavior to become a habit, you will have to practise the same activity everyday for at least 21 days as psychologists maintain that it takes 21 days for the average person to learn a habit.  To change a habit, however, may take more than that period, if at all one is able to change.  

Good habits

 Start some healthy habits that can make you look and feel better such as:

  •  exercising regularly,
  •  making healthy food choices,
  • quitting smoking, and
  •  getting enough sleep.

You can also develop good habits for grooming, dressing, reading, giving and speaking.   Other patterns of behaviour, however, may not be so easy to develop such as getting control of your life, thinking positively, overcoming addiction, and managing anger.    Learn to recognize your limitations and seek help or advice at the earliest opportunity. 

 Tips on changing habits

 Examine and write them down. 

 As habits are usually automatic, you may have to examine these patterns and determine which ones prevent you from improving your life. Putting them in writing can help you assess where you are and what needs to be done.

 Develop good habits gradually.

 Older habits are usually more difficult to break and may take more time and effort to change. Start with habits that you think are easy for you to avoid.  Small changes can produce positive results which motivate you to work at changing the negative ones. 

Practise for 21 days.

Improvements take time but they are not impossible to achieve if you start now. You may experience some resistance at the beginning of your 21-day habit.  As you persevere in maintaining your new habit, doing it will feel easier as your brain and body gets used to the pattern after some time.

Hello world!

Life is what you make of it.

On most days, I live and breathe Philippine laws.

But my hands itch to show the world the hidden treasures of life. So I write.

On most nights, I stay wide awake devouring countless materials on health and wellness.  It is my passion as well.

That’s not all– I like working with my hands, silently creating colorful one of a kind pieces that proclaim the real ME.

This site will document what I have been doing.

This is my little space in the electronic world.


And this is all about Me.

All Rights Reserved. 2011 -2013 MaryChristine.Me by Mary Christine Florido